An Ishmael of Syria Asaad Almohammad 9780997481501 Books

An Ishmael of Syria Asaad Almohammad 9780997481501 Books
This book was completely different from what I'd expected. The description made it sound like I'd read a novel about a refugee's experiences. I also thought I'd learn more than I know about the war(s) in Syria.This was not what I'd call a novel. It consisted almost entirely of the main character's rants about racism and the war in his home nation. His typical day consisted of long-winded arguments with his "friends." The descriptions of his relationships with friends and family were never fully developed.
I was bored as I pushed my way to complete this book.

Tags : An Ishmael of Syria [Asaad Almohammad] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Adam is a tortured soul. Exiled from his homeland, forced to watch the horrors unfold from afar. His family,Asaad Almohammad,An Ishmael of Syria,Asaad Almohammad,0997481501,FICTION Literary,FictionHistorical - General,Syrian Civil War; Refugee Crisis; Radicalization and Deradicalization,Literary Collections Middle Eastern
An Ishmael of Syria Asaad Almohammad 9780997481501 Books Reviews
A deeply personal and affecting book about the psychological state of a Syrian refugee in Malaysia. It is hard to imagine the affects of civil war on a person, especially if that person is highly educated and doesn't really support the reasons for the war on either side. Add to that mix, a loss of faith, a large family that you love still in country and undergoing the ravages of war while you sit safely if not comfortably in country that doesn't really accept you, like you or appreciate your gifts. Imagine a childhood of incomprehensible terror and poverty yet oddly normal with moments of happiness and love. Syria was a bed of insanity and a pawn for the rest of the world's insane motivations. Strangely religious rules easily shed to sectarian concerns. Almohammad paints a world of despair and guilt and angst. The book is largely autobiographical, but it is considered a work of fiction. In my view it has a very youthful feel. There was a lot of intellectualizing interspaced with a lot of oddly placed and paced colloquial language. Overall, an impressive effort to convey an incomprehensible struggle that would crush anyone with a heart.
This book is a powerful appeal against prejudices, stereotypes and war. I don't know how much of this narration is autobiographic but I'm sure personal experience, pain and grief found their way into this novel.
Adam's sophisticated philosophical view on politics, religion, psychology and society is far from all clichés. I don't agree with all his views but they become comprehensible.
He gives us insight into what it might mean for an individual to live in exile while their homeland is falling apart.
The Middle Eastern conflict isn't easy to comprehend and with this book I noticed how much more complex it is than I thought. We got used to the images of bombed cities and refugees in small boats trying to find somewhere to live in peace. But while all this arouses compassion and the cry to end the cruelty, the masses seem faceless and islamophobia is thriving. Adam's story is able to remind you that "the Syrians" or "the Arabs" don't exist. Everybody is an individual with his own history and struggles and in case of the Syrians often traumatizing experiences.
The novel is told in small episodes, disussions and memories that mirror Adam's fractured state of mind.
I want to thank Netgalley and Asaad Almohammad for a free copy in exchange for my honest review.
A personal story told in the voice of Adam. A Syrian, living in Malaysia. Unable to live in his own country due to civil war and upheaval.. The story goes back and forth from the present to the memories of childhood .All of the different parts and pieces that make us who we are and shape our ideas of who we are and where we belong are brought into question. I felt as if I was reading someone's journal. The feelings of not belonging to any place and unable to go back home.were so heartbreaking. Trying to assimilate into a new country is not easy when you look like Adam and the intolerant and racist people he comes into contact with on a daily basis made me embarrassed as a human being.
As he says in the book " their ears, being a Syrian sounds like you’re unclean, shameful, indecent; it’s like you owe the world an apology for your very existence."
I learned more about the Middle East and Syria in this one book than I have in all of the news shows and history lessons I've taken. I can't imagine being judged solely on my skin color or ethnicity. That the author has tackled this in such straightforward and easy to read book is a gift to us all.
This book is awful and I love reading about the Middle East. I couldn't finish it - just a lot of ranting.
Narrative was weak. Very disappointed
Horrible couldn't get into it all over the place put the book down never read it
Fascinating look at a Syrian refugee and all the trials he faces. It is more of a memoir than a novel and the language is awkward at times, but it may merely be the translation. A very worthwhile read.
This book was completely different from what I'd expected. The description made it sound like I'd read a novel about a refugee's experiences. I also thought I'd learn more than I know about the war(s) in Syria.
This was not what I'd call a novel. It consisted almost entirely of the main character's rants about racism and the war in his home nation. His typical day consisted of long-winded arguments with his "friends." The descriptions of his relationships with friends and family were never fully developed.
I was bored as I pushed my way to complete this book.

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