Sophie MixedUp Magic Wishful Thinking Book 1 Amanda Ashby 9780142416495 Books

Sophie MixedUp Magic Wishful Thinking Book 1 Amanda Ashby 9780142416495 Books
This is book one of a three book trilogy about a girl in six grade name Sophie who meet a genie while babysitting and is tricked into putting on his ring to be turn into a genie. Unlike other genie stories this series remind me more of Sabrina The Teenage Witch as it has its own Genie council, the genie's are not anyone's slaves. Malik the Genie who passed Sophie the ring and made her immortal is pick to be her genie guide. He's more interesting in watching Disney High School Musical and eating junk food than really helping her. Lucky for her she has two real good friends in on her secret the way Barbara Eden had Tony and Roger watching her back in I Dream of Jeanie. With the powers she has now she may even be able to get her mom and dad back together.
Tags : Sophie's Mixed-Up Magic: Wishful Thinking: Book 1 [Amanda Ashby] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. After Sophie accidentally gets herself turned into a djinn, she starts to think that it might not be so bad after all. (Of course,Amanda Ashby,Sophie's Mixed-Up Magic: Wishful Thinking: Book 1,Puffin Books,0142416495,Social Themes - Adolescence,Genies,Genies;Fiction.,Jinn,Jinn;Fiction.,Middle schools,Schools;Fiction.,Children's BooksAges 9-12 Fiction,Children: Grades 4-6,Fantasy & Magic,Fiction,Humorous Stories,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Fantasy & Magic,Juvenile Fiction Humorous Stories,Juvenile Fiction Social Themes Adolescence,Juvenile FictionHumorous Stories,Juvenile FictionSocial Issues - General,Schools,Science fiction (Children's Teenage),Social Issues - General
Sophie MixedUp Magic Wishful Thinking Book 1 Amanda Ashby 9780142416495 Books Reviews
This is book one of a three book trilogy about a girl in six grade name Sophie who meet a genie while babysitting and is tricked into putting on his ring to be turn into a genie. Unlike other genie stories this series remind me more of Sabrina The Teenage Witch as it has its own Genie council, the genie's are not anyone's slaves. Malik the Genie who passed Sophie the ring and made her immortal is pick to be her genie guide. He's more interesting in watching Disney High School Musical and eating junk food than really helping her. Lucky for her she has two real good friends in on her secret the way Barbara Eden had Tony and Roger watching her back in I Dream of Jeanie. With the powers she has now she may even be able to get her mom and dad back together.

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