Abandoned The Saltire saga Book 1 eBook Warren Craig Shan

Abandoned The Saltire saga Book 1 eBook Warren Craig Shan
Such a pity, the plot has a lot of potential and the author actually has a pleasing style of writing.Unfortunately...
- there was almost no character development; I didn't hate any of the characters... nor did I like them, because the reader is given no insight into who they are. By the end couldn't have cared less what happened to any of them, including the main protagonist.
- the attempts at "accents" throughout the book were painful. There was no consistency, sometimes even in the same sentence; and why oh why does the background narrative have an accent?! If the author had stuck to only using this language in the dialogue, it would have been way less horrific.
- huge gaps in the story... not plot holes, it read more like authorial laziness to me. So many missed opportunities for actually developing characters.
I don't usually write reviews but I had to for this one. It's like a giant missed oppotunity for what could have been a great story.

Tags : Abandoned (The Saltire saga Book 1) - Kindle edition by Warren Craig Shan. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Abandoned (The Saltire saga Book 1).,ebook,Warren Craig Shan,Abandoned (The Saltire saga Book 1),Australian eBook Publisher,FICTION Science Fiction Genetic Engineering,FICTION Thrillers Espionage
Abandoned The Saltire saga Book 1 eBook Warren Craig Shan Reviews
A book that is easily read and moves swiftly from scene to scene. Not at all what I expected, the story is the aftermath of Nazi experimentation. If you are looking for a fast paced, easy read, you'll enjoy this one.
This book held my interest as it moved forward to an interesting conclusion. But, it was not the story I expected. Being unfamiliar with this author I chose it because of the title. NOT what I expected and not bad.t
The title and blurb makes you think the book is about a mute child and what happened to her. That's the topic of the first chapter. The rest is a weird science fiction/fantasy about mutant powers.
I found the storyline very interesting but the many grammatical and spelling mistakes broke my concentration and made it very difficult to follow. It almost seems as if it has been translated (and not very well) from a different language.
Other than that, I found the entire premise of this book thoroughly engaging and exceedingly interesting. I will recommend this book to my reading friends.
I didn't like this book much. The language is gross. The F word doesn't need to be is a book to get the meaning across. It's hard to follow because the characters change without the reader knowing until you've read a bit. The story is gruesome.
This is a mildly interesting story but not worth the time it takes to read. The book starts out as though it will be a good tale
, but by the time you have read about a third of the way through, you have already read the most interesting part. I thought about stopping, and I should have. The rest of the book just leads to an anticlimactic ending. Not worth your time.
I was actually very disappointed. I love Edinburgh and would have loved more authenticity with the city descriptions. I was hoping for something a bit more authentic in the vernacular, apart from the occasional "ye" which occurred in the same paragraph as "you" ... there was often no consistency. The plot was very obvious within a chapter or two. It wasn't very well written.
Such a pity, the plot has a lot of potential and the author actually has a pleasing style of writing.
- there was almost no character development; I didn't hate any of the characters... nor did I like them, because the reader is given no insight into who they are. By the end couldn't have cared less what happened to any of them, including the main protagonist.
- the attempts at "accents" throughout the book were painful. There was no consistency, sometimes even in the same sentence; and why oh why does the background narrative have an accent?! If the author had stuck to only using this language in the dialogue, it would have been way less horrific.
- huge gaps in the story... not plot holes, it read more like authorial laziness to me. So many missed opportunities for actually developing characters.
I don't usually write reviews but I had to for this one. It's like a giant missed oppotunity for what could have been a great story.

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