Deadly Recall Jessie Cole Book 2 edition by TR Ragan Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks

Deadly Recall Jessie Cole Book 2 edition by TR Ragan Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks
This is the second book in the Jessie Cole series, taking up three months after the events in book one HER LAST DAY.Private investigator Jessie Cole and amnesiac journalist Ben Morrison continue working together in this offering. There's a devastated father trying to get a huge pharmaceutical company to pay attention to his demands after his beloved daughter dies, a kidnapped baby that's been missing for seven years, Jessie has her niece helping in her office along with a young woman first introduced in the first book, and Ben has Jessie looking into his past.
I enjoyed the first book but liked this one even more - more info on the characters and lots of action.
I'm now off to read book three DERANGED. I recommend this series if you like psychological thrillers.

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Deadly Recall Jessie Cole Book 2 edition by TR Ragan Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks Reviews
This book was very well written and the mystery of it just keeps you intrigued. I have enjoyed many books written by T.R. Reagan. She is a great writer. She knows how to hold your attention to the story. It makes you not want to put the book down. Thanks for being so good at what you do. I enjoyed this book so much. June P.
I started reading T.R. Ragan in the Lizzy Gardner series. I read the series and came across her Jessie Cole series. Just as I enjoyed the Lizzy Gardner series I've enjoyed the Jessie Cole series as Well. The characters and the story relate to real life. Having to juggle a job, life's daily demands and personal doubts. The book was a page turner, suspenseful and me craving to want more.
Why do some writers think that ending a pretty good story with a cliffhanger is the way to go? Hoping that you will buy the book that tells you what happened to the character in the book that you read months ago? It is a complete turn off to me and I hope this particular writer doesn't make a habit of it.
*** 4.5 stars ***
I have to say that after reading the first book I was a little worried that these characters would not develop into something more and I have to say I’m pleasantly thrilled that they did.
This book was entertaining and held my attention. There are a few different story lines but they were written in a way that there was no confusion. However I would like to see less story lines and more focus on one with a subcategory. I would also have liked a more in depth and intense plot. I guess I’m just spoiled due to the fact I have read the entire Lizzy Garner series. I am having a hard time warming up to Jessie but its happening. Slowly but at least there has been progress. I would like to see more of Colin in the next book. Get somethings from his perspective. More with him and Jessie.
And Ben. Dear God Ben. I hope he doesn’t turn out to be a serial killer. I love Ben and would be devastated if he in fact ends up being a monster. Please TR Ragan don’t turn him into Dexter. I have all kinds of theories about his past and I hope it doesn’t end up how it looks like its going to be.
I really enjoyed this book and cannot wait for the next book. Its going to be a looong wait. I really enjoyed this book and I recommend it. I have a feeling that we’ve just touched on the tip of this story!!!
After I read the first book, I drew some parallels to the Lizzy Gardner series, hoping that more time spent with these characters would make them shine on their own. And they did.
As with the first book, there are several storylines going on at once. The main one is about a man who lost his daughter to a medical condition where the insurance company wouldn't pay for experimental drugs. He decides to take revenge on the CEO of the company. The killer was a horrible man, yet I felt some sympathy. Some of the conversations he had with Emily (the CEO's daughter who he kidnapped) were touching. Emily went back and forth between empathy and anger, just like me.
Zee (the schizophrenic kidnapping victim from the first book) is back, working part time with Jessie, and I was so happy to see her character return. She gives the story some levity, as well as being a hero in her own right. She has her own method of doing things, which seems to involve chaos.
Jessie is also investigating a cold case about a newborn who was kidnapped from the hospital. Though it's been seven years, the mother isn't giving up. That storyline was a bit crazy!
My favorite parts of the book involved Ben, the reporter who helped Jessie find out what happened to her sister in the first book. Ben is starting to have memory flashes of his life before the accident, and they are...disturbing. He hires Jessie to really dig into his past, and I think he and Jessie should both be fearful of what she finds. Ben's story will continue into the next book. I'm not sure how I feel about him, is he a good guy or not?
There was again not much of Colin, Jessie's sort-of boyfriend, I hope he gets a little more page time in the next book. Can't wait for the next installment!
What a waste of time. By the time I was 25% of the way through this book I was debating whether I’d bother finishing it. I skipped over much of it just to reach the ending.
The book had the potential of being a good read but the main character, a Private Investigator named Jessie, doesn’t have the brains to run a business. In that type of job, who on earth would take on an assistant who was a schizophrenic that refused to follow orders?
The assistant, who was on a stakeout for several days, drove her own car every day, and parked it close to the house she was observing, which in itself, is stupid. What made it even more ridiculous, her car was a Tesla, a car that would really stand out.
Would you really allow your niece who lives with you, to spend time with your assistant once you found out your assistant allowed your niece to drive that car without a permit? Come on, get real!
There were so many ridiculous actions taken by Jessie that it’s hard to imagine she hasn’t been killed a hundred times over. Unfortunately, she lives on to star in another book. I don’t care what happens to her. I won’t be reading about her again. Much better books out there.
This is the second book in the Jessie Cole series, taking up three months after the events in book one HER LAST DAY.
Private investigator Jessie Cole and amnesiac journalist Ben Morrison continue working together in this offering. There's a devastated father trying to get a huge pharmaceutical company to pay attention to his demands after his beloved daughter dies, a kidnapped baby that's been missing for seven years, Jessie has her niece helping in her office along with a young woman first introduced in the first book, and Ben has Jessie looking into his past.
I enjoyed the first book but liked this one even more - more info on the characters and lots of action.
I'm now off to read book three DERANGED. I recommend this series if you like psychological thrillers.

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